OpenBSD 6.4 only using 1 core

Wouter Wijngaards wouter at
Tue Feb 19 15:18:43 UTC 2019

Hi Doug,

On 19/02/2019 00:21, G Douglas Davidson via Unbound-users wrote:
>> On Feb 18, 2019, at 5:13 PM, G Douglas Davidson <douglas at> wrote:
>>> On Feb 18, 2019, at 2:57 PM, G Douglas Davidson via Unbound-users <unbound-users at> wrote:
>>> OpenBSD 6.4 and the included Unbound 1.8.1.  Intel NUC with 2 real CPUS and 2 Virtual.  Some sysctl stuff:
>>> 	hw.ncpu=4
>>> 	hw.ncpufound=4
>>> 	hw.ncpuonline=2
>>> 	hw.smt=0
>>> “top” shows four cpus with work distributed to only two of them.  “ps” and the statistics emitted by Unbound show only one CPU working.
>>> ps output:
>>> 	87709 ??  Is      0:00.02 unbound -c /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf
>>> 	86298 ??  S       1:49.24 unbound -c /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf
>>> unbound statistics (every hour):
>>>> Feb 18 13:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [87709:0] info: server stats for thread 0: 0 queries, 0 answers from cache, 0 recursions, 0 prefetch, 0 rejected by ip ratelimiting
>>>> Feb 18 13:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [87709:0] info: server stats for thread 0: requestlist max 0 avg 0 exceeded 0 jostled 0
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info: server stats for thread 1: 47870 queries, 18749 answers from cache, 29121 recursions, 0 prefetch, 0 rejected by ip ratelimiting
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info: server stats for thread 1: requestlist max 46 avg 5.96944 exceeded 0 jostled 0
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info: average recursion processing time 0.888912 sec
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info: histogram of recursion processing times
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info: [25%]=0.0276987 median[50%]=0.0609112 [75%]=0.128225
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.000000    0.000001 2779
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.000008    0.000016 7
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.000064    0.000128 1
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.000128    0.000256 5
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.000256    0.000512 25
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.000512    0.001024 197
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.001024    0.002048 69
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.002048    0.004096 52
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.004096    0.008192 103
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.008192    0.016384 222
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.016384    0.032768 5530
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.032768    0.065536 6483
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.065536    0.131072 6653
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.131072    0.262144 4023
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.262144    0.524288 1786
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    0.524288    1.000000 604
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    1.000000    2.000000 224
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    2.000000    4.000000 72
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    4.000000    8.000000 64
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:    8.000000   16.000000 53
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:   16.000000   32.000000 52
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:   32.000000   64.000000 49
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:   64.000000  128.000000 4
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:  128.000000  256.000000 30
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:  256.000000  512.000000 23
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [86298:1] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 6
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [87709:0] info: server stats for thread 0: 0 queries, 0 answers from cache, 0 recursions, 0 prefetch, 0 rejected by ip ratelimiting
>>>> Feb 18 14:14:02 unbound1 unbound: [87709:0] info: server stats for thread 0: requestlist max 0 avg 0 exceeded 0 jostled 0
>>> unbound.conf:
>>>>       num-threads: 2
>>> No other tweaks make to unbound.conf.  Version is as distributed under OpenBSD 6.4.  Unbound works find under OpenBSD 6.2 on a cpu with 2 real cores and no virtual.
>>> I’m thinking that this issue may have something to do with the way OpenBSD is reporting available CPUs.  I’m going to turn hyperthreading off at the BIOS level at some point (when I can.)  I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this.  Where “this” is OpenBSD and Unbound with hw.smt=0 and Unbound apparently not using more than one thread.
>>> Thanks for any feedback!
>>> —doug
>>> --
>>> G Douglas Davidson
>>> douglas at
>> It appears that there is something in the logic of listen_dnsport.c that is attempting to use SO_REUSEPORT_LB that is causing OpenBSD to end up only using a single thread.  When I add this option to the unbound.conf:
>> 	so-reuseport: no
>> I get utilization on both threads, but it is very unbalanced.  Still maybe a step in the right direction.
>>> unbound1# ps -ax | grep unbound
>>> 30490 ??  Ss      0:02.21 unbound -c /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf
>>> 42777 ??  S       0:00.47 unbound -c /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf
>> and
>>> Feb 18 17:04:20 unbound1 unbound: [30490:0] info: server stats for thread 0: 361 queries, 192 answers from cache, 169 recursions, 0 prefetch, 0 rejected by ip ratelimiting
>>> Feb 18 17:05:20 unbound1 unbound: [42777:1] info: server stats for thread 1: 25 queries, 1 answers from cache, 24 recursions, 0 prefetch, 0 rejected by ip ratelimiting
>> I’m not attempting to find an approach specific to OpenBSD that provides better utilization of each real core.
>> —doug
> It appears that prior to unbound version 1.8.0, the default value for so-reuseport was “no”. Subsequently the default is “yes”. A value of “yes” causes OpenBSD to use a single thread to process queries no matter the number of threads defined. It probably makes sense to make “no” a default. While all threads are used now with a value of “no”, the usage is unbalanced. One thread tends to have far more use. I’m not sure if this is actually bad, but it would be nice to have a more even distribution.

The default for so-reuseport was changed in 1.8.3 and later, it is
enabled for Linux and DragonFly.  If you upgrade from your version to a
later one, then you should then get the more sensible default of off for
OpenBSD.  That should distribute over the threads like was expected.

The _LB stuff is where it works for some FreeBSD (newest I think)
versions. I did not know OpenBSD has it.  If it does have it, or start
to support it, you can then use it with so-reuseport: yes in unbound.conf.

The default was set to on in 1.8.0, because I believed it to be
harmless, and increase performance (not just balance it).  It seems to
work like this on Linux, and I think the _LB version works similarly for

Best regards, Wouter

> —doug
> --
> G Douglas Davidson
> douglas at

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