errors: validator stopped; serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query

Wouter Wijngaards wouter at
Mon Oct 8 13:29:54 UTC 2018

Hi Nusenu,

On 10/7/18 7:14 PM, nusenu via Unbound-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I get these errors in my logs (probably not related to each other
> since they don't appear at the same time and not at the same frequency):

There are bugfixes in 1.8.1, one solves a repeated state machine
activation and that could be what you are seeing too, once in a while.
And for the second one, I think this may be a TCP Fastopen failure and
it gets printed like this instead of ignored.  What I have done is
squelch that message for high verbose debug output only.  That one is
now committed in the repository for future release.  Thanks for the report.

Best regards, Wouter

> error: internal error: looping module (validator) stopped
> (more frequent)
> error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
> (less frequent)
> unbound 1.8.0 on FreeBSD 11.2
> I appreciate any information on
> how bad these errors are and what their impact is.
> kind regards,
> nusenu

Index: services/outside_network.c
--- services/outside_network.c	(revision 4935)
+++ services/outside_network.c	(working copy)
@@ -1876,7 +1876,7 @@
 	if(!sq->pending) {
 		/* delete from tree so that a retry by above layer does not
 		 * clash with this entry */
-		log_err("serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query");
+		verbose(VERB_ALGO, "serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query");
 		serviced_callbacks(sq, NETEVENT_CLOSED, NULL, NULL);

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