Unbound and Logitech Media Server: Couldn't resolve IP address
Bern D
bernid111 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 07:36:39 UTC 2018
I have issue with Logitech Media Server (LMS).
After upgrade from Ubuntu server 17.10 to 18.04 LMS lost the external
connection (eg to the Internet). All other application which need
internet connection work fine.
So I can’t play external streams (eg internet radio).
Looking to LMS logs I can see:
[18-07-04 09:04:54.7588] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.2, 1529332109, Mon Jun 18 16:46:57 CEST 2018) perl 5.026001 -
[18-07-04 09:05:05.6116] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (339)
Error: getting https://www.mysqueezebox.com/api/sounds/v1/opml
Couldn't resolve IP address for: www.mysqueezebox.com
[18-07-04 09:05:05.6123] Slim::Plugin::Sounds::Plugin::_gotSoundsError
(83) Error: Unable to cache Sounds & Effects menu from SN: Couldn't
resolve IP address for: www.mysqueezebox.com
[18-07-04 09:05:05.6134] Slim::Networking::Repositories::__ANON__ (146)
Failed to fetch https://repos.squeezecommunity.org/extensions.xml:
Couldn't resolve IP address for: repos.squeezecommunity.org
[18-07-04 09:05:05.6139] Slim::Networking::Repositories::__ANON__ (149)
https lookup failed - trying plain text http instead:
[18-07-04 09:05:07.6136] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (339)
Error: getting http://opml.radiotime.com/Index.aspx?partnerId=16
Couldn't resolve IP address for: opml.radiotime.com
I use Ubuntu server 18.04 as the home router/firewall/gate with three
network interfaces:
-> WAN ( which is seen from the internet as public address
-> LAN (
-> WLAN (
I use also unbound as DNS resolver and shorewall as firewall. Before
upgrade LMS with those packets worked fine.
I don’t know how to investigate/diagnose the issue and do not really
know if the issue concerns unbound or firewall settings . See my
unbound configuration file (below) and enclosed report from firewall –
shorewall after few seconds after LMS starting (LMS in this raport is
called squeezeboxserve)
Please give me directions how could I investigate the issue.
# Common Server Options
chroot: ""
directory: "/etc/unbound"
# username: "nobody"
port: 53
do-ip4: yes
do-ip6: no
do-udp: yes
do-tcp: yes
so-reuseport: yes
do-not-query-localhost: yes
# System Tuning
num-threads: 1
so-reuseport: yes
infra-cache-slabs: 1
key-cache-slabs: 1
msg-cache-slabs: 1
rrset-cache-slabs: 1
rrset-cache-size: 64m
msg-cache-size: 32m
key-cache-size: 32m
outgoing-range: 8192
num-queries-per-thread: 4096
so-sndbuf: 4m
so-rcvbuf: 4m
# Logging Options
verbosity: 1
use-syslog: yes
log-time-ascii: yes
log-queries: no
# Unbound Statistics
statistics-interval: 0
statistics-cumulative: yes
extended-statistics: yes
# Prefetching
prefetch: yes
prefetch-key: yes
# Randomise any cached responses
rrset-roundrobin: yes
# Privacy Options
hide-identity: yes
hide-version: yes
qname-minimisation: yes
minimal-responses: yes
auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/lib/unbound/root.key"
val-permissive-mode: no
val-clean-additional: yes
val-log-level: 1
# Hardening Options
harden-glue: yes
harden-short-bufsize: no
harden-large-queries: yes
harden-dnssec-stripped: yes
harden-below-nxdomain: yes
harden-referral-path: yes
harden-algo-downgrade: no
use-caps-for-id: no
# Listen on all interfaces
interface-automatic: yes
# Allow access from everywhere
access-control: allow
# Bootstrap root servers
root-hints: "/usr/share/dns/root.hints"
# Include DHCP leases
#include: "/etc/unbound/dhcp-leases.conf"
# Include any forward zones
#include: "/etc/unbound/forward.conf"
control-enable: yes
control-use-cert: yes
server-key-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_server.key"
server-cert-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_server.pem"
control-key-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_control.key"
control-cert-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_control.pem"
# Import any local configurations
#include: "/etc/unbound/local.d/*.conf"
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