unbound fail after upgrade Ubuntu from 17.10 to 18.04

Phil Pennock unbound-users+phil at spodhuis.org
Mon Apr 30 16:18:42 UTC 2018

On 2018-04-30 at 15:38 +0200, Bernard Drozd via Unbound-users wrote:
> I'm newbee in Linux.
> I use ubuntu server and SOC intel apollo lake SOC as home
> router/firewal/Nas/music server.
> It worked fine (with 17.10) before upgrade...
> After ubuntu upgrade I have issues with unbound, firewall
> (shorewall), and Wifi network interface (hostapd dosen't start
> automaticaly) ;-)
> How could I fix unbound issue?

systemd-resolved is using the socket, so Unbound can't bind it.

You needed Unbound before.  Are you _sure_ you still need it?  It might
be that systemd-resolved does what you need now.

If you do need Unbound, then take another look at my previous mail,
which showed in the "setup-script" section how you might change things.
But since you're new in Linux, I *strongly* recommend seeing if sticking
with the OS defaults will work better for you.


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