FW: Validation failure signature crypto failed

A. Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Tue Jan 24 22:14:53 UTC 2017

Am 24.01.2017 um 22:11 schrieb Jac Backus:
> But for mail.crypsys.nl dnsviz.net shows only an A record, but no TXT record:


- click "update now"
- click "Advanced options (forced ancestor analysis, recursive, explicit delegation, etc.)"
- select "TXT" as Extra Typ
- click Analyze
- DNSSEC and Response proof the TXT-Record has an invalid signature

Disable DNSSEC validation for that domain in your unbound.conf (domain-insecure: mail.crypsys.nl)
and try to contact the domain owner.


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