DHCP question

Tom Hendrikx tom at whyscream.net
Wed Jul 6 16:39:15 UTC 2016

On 06-07-16 13:57, Bryan C. Everly via Unbound-users wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running OpenBSD-current with the provided unbound and dhcpd and
> I'm trying to accomplish something that I would think should be pretty
> straightforward.  When my network clients get an IP address from
> dhcpd, I'd like to be able to resolve their hostnames via my local
> unbound DNS server.
> Example:
> 1.  A laptop with the name foo.bar.com asks dhcpd for an IP address
> 2.  The laptop is assigned
> 3.  On a second machine on the network, I'd like to ping foo.bar.com
> and get resolved
> Is there a configuration option for this or some nudge you can give a
> n00b to help me figure this out?  My Google-Fu has failed me this time
> around.
> Thanks,
> Bryan

I created a similar setup, using unbound as my resolver, and dnsmasq for
dhcp: dnsmasq is both a dns cache and a dhcp server, and can/will serve
the dns hostnames for the dhcp clients.

You run dnsmasq on port 10053 localhost, and setup unbound to use that
for your dhcp assigned domain space.


    do-not-query-localhost: no
    private-domain: lan.example.net
    domain-insecure: lan.example.net

    local-zone: "168.192.in-addr.arpa." nodefault

        name: "lan.example.net"
        stub-addr: at 10053

        name: "168.192.in-addr.arpa."
        stub-addr: at 10053

Kind regards,

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