Stress Unbound server

Welisson Tomé welissontome at
Mon Dec 26 17:31:05 UTC 2016



Tks so much for your help, I'll carrying on more about this and if I
find more information I will post here. 

Welisson Tomé

Em 26/12/2016 12:54, Matthias Fischer escreveu: 

> Hi,
> On 26.12.2016 13:57, Welisson Tomé wrote:
>> So, i'd like to know if you have some docs about dnsperf and dnsblast explain how to run this kind of test with more precision.
> I'm sorry, but these two tools were just the result of a quick search -
> I'm not so skilled in programming (or dns-testing) that I could be of
> much help.
> If you need some serious test suite, take a closer look at the unbound
> website. We started to use 'unbound' a few weeks ago (with
> IPfire-routers), so the experience with this is too fresh...
> Best,
> Matthias
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