Forward being overwritten by Control cmd Forward on Restart

Tom Hendrikx tom at
Wed Dec 21 11:58:36 UTC 2016

Please keep replies on list.

On 20-12-16 22:46, Linkcheck wrote:
> Thanks, Tom. Solved now by setting...
> Any chance of mentioning /etc/default/unbound in the docs somewhere - ie
> somewhere when someone like me wouldn't miss it? Possibly a comment in
> the Forward section. :)

The /etc/default/unbound file is an ubuntu feature and not supplied by
unbound itself, so you're probably barking up the wrong tree ;)

> For reference: Mint 17.x is based on ubuntu 14.04. I'm running with
> static connection not dhcp on a (soon to be) postfix mail server.

Kind regards,

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