python script and cached entries

Spike spike at
Fri Dec 9 16:41:24 UTC 2016

Dear all,

didn't want to hijack the other thread, but in response to a discussion on
local data Ralph Dolmans wrote:

> Local data is handled before the cache lookup. So the cache entries will
be ignored as soon as there is matching local data.

what about the python script? I'm running multiple instances of unbound
because I need to return different data to diff groups of people and from
my testing the python script will be called after a cache lookup. This
means that if group1 resolves say, which is blocked for group2
by the script (just an example, I know it can be done with local-data
alone), and then group2 comes along they will get the cached ip for and the script will never be called.

Did I misunderstand/misconfigure something or that's the expected behavior?
I'd love to run just one unbound (and share the cache between groups), but
get a chance to alter the cache if needed.


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