Dag-Erling Smørgrav des at
Wed Oct 14 11:44:27 UTC 2015

Traditionally, Unix daemons will reload their configuration upon
receiving SIGHUP and terminate gracefully upon receiving SIGTERM.
Unbound follows this tradition, but in addition, it treats SIGINT
(Ctrl-C when not daemonized) and SIGQUIT (Ctrl-\ when not daemonized) as
equivalent to SIGTERM.  The man page documents SIGQUIT as the correct
way to terminate Unbound.

Setting aside the question of wheter intercepting SIGQUIT is a good idea
(I don't think it is, but it's probably too late to change it), this
state of affairs seems to confuse users.  Consider this FreeBSD bug
report from a user who claims that Unbound terminates cleanly when it
receives SIGQUIT, but not when it receives SIGTERM:

In addition, some platforms don't even have SIGQUIT (cf r1097).

I therefore propose to change the man page so that it mentions SIGTERM
instead of SIGQUIT:

Index: doc/
--- doc/	(revision 3504)
+++ doc/	(working copy)
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
 triggers a reload,
-kill \-QUIT `cat @UNBOUND_PIDFILE@` 
+kill \-TERM `cat @UNBOUND_PIDFILE@` 
 gracefully terminates.

Dag-Erling Smørgrav - des at

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