Unbound obtains DNS data but fails to report it / return it
Patrick - PCL Associates
patrick at pcl-associates.net
Thu Oct 8 22:28:41 UTC 2015
I have a new opensuse 13.2 machine I’ve installed unbound 1.5.4 on. I installed it from source as I couldn’t get the opensuse rpm to work. But then, I can’t get this one to work either. That is, I get a non-response. Unbound goes and looks but fails to report the answer because apparently it cannot validate.
I’m completely stumped. Any ideas?
Here is the relevant portion of the logs – verbosity 4. I ran
dig yahoo.com
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: mesh_run: start
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: validator[module 0] operate: extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_new
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: validator operate: query yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: validator: pass to next module
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: mesh_run: validator module exit state is module_wait_module
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: iterator[module 1] operate: extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: process_request: new external request event
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: iter_handle processing q with state INIT REQUEST STATE
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: resolving yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: request has dependency depth of 0
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: forwarding request
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: iter_handle processing q with state QUERY TARGETS STATE
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: processQueryTargets: yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: processQueryTargets: targetqueries 0, currentqueries 0 sentcount 0
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: DelegationPoint<.>: 0 names (0 missing), 3 addrs (0 result, 3 avail) parentNS
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: attempt to get extra 3 targets
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: servselect ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: rtt=224
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: servselect ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: rtt=224
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: servselect ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: rtt=164
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: selrtt 164
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: sending query: yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: dnssec status: not expected
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: EDNS lookup known=1 vs=0
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: qname perturbed to yAHOO.Com.
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: serviced query UDP timeout=224 msec
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: inserted new pending reply id=3e15
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: opened UDP if=0 port=57677
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: comm point start listening 16
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: mesh_run: iterator module exit state is module_wait_reply
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: mesh_run: end 1 recursion states (1 with reply, 0 detached), 1 waiting replies, 0 recursion replies sent, 0 replies dropped, 0 states jostled out
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: 0RDd mod1 rep yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: cache memory msg=16877 rrset=19724 infra=1367 val=16773
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: answer cb
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: Incoming reply id = 3e15
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: Incoming reply addr = ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: lookup size is 1 entries
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: received udp reply.
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: udp message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
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: udp message[494:256] 000002000100059C5C00040168C058000002000100059C5C00040169C058C0560001000100016A4A0004C7075B0DC0750001000100016A4A0004C0702404C0840001000100016A4A0004C0CBE60AC0930001000100016A4A0004C021040CC0A20001000100016A4A0004C0E44FC9C0B100010001000054D20004C6290004C0C00001000100016A4A0004C03A801EC0CF0001000100016A4A0004C00505F1C0DE0001000100016A4A0004C1000E81C0ED0001000100016A4A0004C707532AC0FC00010001000121020004CA0C1B21C10B0001000100016A4A0004803F0235C11A0001000100016A4A0004C0249411
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: outnet handle udp reply
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: measured roundtrip at 49 msec
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: svcd callbacks start
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: wrong 0x20-ID in reply qname
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: from server ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: for packet[494:0] 3E15818000010003000D000D057961686F6F03636F6D0000010001C00C00010001000003240004628BB718C00C00010001000003240004628AFD6DC00C00010001000003240004CEBE242D000002000100059C5C001401640C726F6F742D73657276657273036E657400000002000100059C5C00040167C058000002000100059C5C00040165C058000002000100059C5C00040163C058000002000100059C5C00040162C058000002000100059C5C00040161C058000002000100059C5C0004016AC058000002000100059C5C00040166C058000002000100059C5C0004016BC058000002000100059C5C0004016CC058000002000100059C5C0004016DC058
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: for packet[494:256] 000002000100059C5C00040168C058000002000100059C5C00040169C058C0560001000100016A4A0004C7075B0DC0750001000100016A4A0004C0702404C0840001000100016A4A0004C0CBE60AC0930001000100016A4A0004C021040CC0A20001000100016A4A0004C0E44FC9C0B100010001000054D20004C6290004C0C00001000100016A4A0004C03A801EC0CF0001000100016A4A0004C00505F1C0DE0001000100016A4A0004C1000E81C0ED0001000100016A4A0004C707532AC0FC00010001000121020004CA0C1B21C10B0001000100016A4A0004803F0235C11A0001000100016A4A0004C0249411
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: worker svcd callback for qstate 0xb65a0198
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: mesh_run: start
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: iterator[module 1] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_capsfail
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: iterator operate: query yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: process_response: new external response event
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: scrub for . NS IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: response for yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: reply from <.>
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: incoming scrubbed packet: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, rcode: NOERROR, id: 0
;; flags: qr rd ra ; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 13, ADDITIONAL: 13
yahoo.com. IN A
yahoo.com. 3600 IN A
yahoo.com. 3600 IN A
yahoo.com. 3600 IN A
. 367708 IN NS d.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS g.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS e.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS c.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS b.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS a.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS j.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS f.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS k.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS l.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS m.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS h.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS i.root-servers.net.
d.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
g.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
e.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
c.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
b.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
a.root-servers.net. 21714 IN A
j.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
f.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
k.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
l.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
m.root-servers.net. 73986 IN A
h.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
i.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 494
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: Capsforid: starting fallback
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: iter_handle processing q with state QUERY TARGETS STATE
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: processQueryTargets: yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: processQueryTargets: targetqueries 0, currentqueries 0 sentcount 1
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: DelegationPoint<.>: 0 names (0 missing), 3 addrs (3 result, 0 avail) parentNS
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: 0x20 fallback number 0
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: servselect ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: rtt=164
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: servselect ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: rtt=226
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: servselect ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: rtt=224
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: selrtt 164
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: sending query: yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: sending to target: <.>
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: dnssec status: not expected
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: EDNS lookup known=1 vs=0
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: serviced query UDP timeout=224 msec
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: inserted new pending reply id=b411
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: opened UDP if=0 port=45756
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: comm point start listening 17
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: mesh_run: iterator module exit state is module_wait_reply
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: mesh_run: end 1 recursion states (1 with reply, 0 detached), 1 waiting replies, 0 recursion replies sent, 0 replies dropped, 0 states jostled out
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: 0RDd mod1 rep yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: cache memory msg=16877 rrset=19724 infra=1367 val=16773
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: svcd callbacks end
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: close of port 57677
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: close fd 16
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: answer cb
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: Incoming reply id = b411
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: Incoming reply addr = ip4 port 53 (len 16)
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: lookup size is 1 entries
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: received udp reply.
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: udp message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
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: udp message[494:256] 000002000100059C5C00040169C058000002000100059C5C00040164C058C0560001000100016A4A0004C0702404C0750001000100016A4A0004C0CBE60AC0840001000100016A4A0004C021040CC0930001000100016A4A0004C0E44FC9C0A200010001000054D20004C6290004C0B10001000100016A4A0004C03A801EC0C00001000100016A4A0004C00505F1C0CF0001000100016A4A0004C1000E81C0DE0001000100016A4A0004C707532AC0ED00010001000121020004CA0C1B21C0FC0001000100016A4A0004803F0235C10B0001000100016A4A0004C0249411C11A0001000100016A4A0004C7075B0D
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: outnet handle udp reply
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: measured roundtrip at 5 msec
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: svcd callbacks start
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: worker svcd callback for qstate 0xb65a0198
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: mesh_run: start
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: iterator[module 1] operate: extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: iterator operate: query yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: process_response: new external response event
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: scrub for . NS IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: response for yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: reply from <.>
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: incoming scrubbed packet: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, rcode: NOERROR, id: 0
;; flags: qr rd ra ; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 13, ADDITIONAL: 13
yahoo.com. IN A
yahoo.com. 3600 IN A
yahoo.com. 3600 IN A
yahoo.com. 3600 IN A
. 367708 IN NS g.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS e.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS c.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS b.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS a.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS j.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS f.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS k.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS l.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS m.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS h.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS i.root-servers.net.
. 367708 IN NS d.root-servers.net.
g.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
e.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
c.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
b.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
a.root-servers.net. 21714 IN A
j.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
f.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
k.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
l.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
m.root-servers.net. 73986 IN A
h.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
i.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
d.root-servers.net. 92746 IN A
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 494
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: Capsforid fallback: getting different replies, failed
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: return error response SERVFAIL
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: mesh_run: iterator module exit state is module_finished
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: validator[module 0] operate: extstate:module_wait_module event:module_event_moddone
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: validator operate: query yahoo.com. A IN
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: validator: nextmodule returned
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: cannot validate non-answer, rcode SERVFAIL
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: mesh_run: validator module exit state is module_finished
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: query took 0.055800 sec
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: mesh_run: end 0 recursion states (0 with reply, 0 detached), 0 waiting replies, 1 recursion replies sent, 0 replies dropped, 0 states jostled out
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: average recursion processing time 0.055800 sec
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: [25%]=0 median[50%]=0 [75%]=0
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] info: 0.032768 0.065536 1
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: cache memory msg=16877 rrset=19724 infra=1367 val=16773
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: svcd callbacks end
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: close of port 45756
[1444341946] unbound[1812:1] debug: close fd 17
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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