[Unbound-users] Random subdomain flood query

battossai battossai at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 11:09:50 UTC 2015


Is there anyone in here get a problem like me.
My Unbound server reveice flood that query randomize subdomain that make
traffic jammed and CPU Load is full ?
Any solution that can be shared ? Thanks
Here is sample log of mine :

*Mar 31 17:56:47 ns1 unbound: [7679:1] info: 49.128.xxx.xxx
cdexevevyp.www.136.xxx. A IN*

*Mar 31 17:56:47 ns1 unbound: [7679:0] info: 103.247.xxx.xxx
cnsjwhclifax.www.136.xxx. A IN*

*Mar 31 17:56:47 ns1 unbound: [7679:0] info: 111.68.xxx.xxx
avezsvuvehgnajun.www.136.xxx. A IN*

*Mar 31 17:56:47 ns1 unbound: [7679:1] info: 119.2.xxx.xxx
epsruvodazqz.www.136.xxx. A IN*

I try to install unbound-bloomfilter but got error.
Any information will be nice.
Thank you.

Franky Yu
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