[Unbound-users] execute python module before cache lookup

Volodymyr Samodid vladimir.samoded at onat.edu.ua
Fri Jan 9 20:08:40 UTC 2015

Hi all.
Many thanks for great software.

I want to ask a question. Is there any way to execute python module 
before cache lookup ? I didn't find answer in documentation, but maybe 
i've missed something or someone knows solution.
That feature needed for per host custom reply, with ability return 
normal value for hosts without configured custom reply.
I want create application, something like distributed hosts file. It 
should be useful in case if you can't modify hosts file ( have no 
rights, no access to firmware, hard to synchronize files between several 
machines). I have to use two unbound daemons ( frontend and backend) in 
current prototype.

frontend - serves user requests with python module,if no custom replay 
forward request to backend, cache disabled,
backend - works as normal unbound install

It works, but would be great to keep all in one place.


С уважением,
Самодед Владимир

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