[Unbound-users] segfault when using dnstap at high load

Rogerio Bastos writeme at rogeriobastos.eti.br
Wed Apr 8 19:32:07 UTC 2015

On 2015-04-08 15:26, Robert Edmonds wrote:
> Hi, Rogerio:
> Based on the stack trace, it looks like the crash is occurring when a
> TCP query times out, and we try to log it as if it were a normal TCP
> response.  Could you try the attached patch and see if it avoids the
> crash?

Yes, this patch fix the crash.


> Rogerio Bastos wrote:
>> #0  serviced_tcp_callback (c=0x0, arg=0x555556b853b0, error=-2, 
>> rep=0x0) at services/outside_network.c:1596
>>         r2 = {c = 0x3000000010, addr = {ss_family = 59744, __ss_align 
>> = 140737488349344,
>>             __ss_padding = 
>> "\000T\217\\\337`*\333\004\000\000\000}\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\177\000\000}", 
>> '\000' <repeats 15 times>, 
>> "\270\333vVUU\000\000\200pv\367\377\177\000\000\240\333vVUU", '\000' 
>> <repeats 14 times>, 
>> "\001\000\000\000\252\\T\367\377\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\002\000T\217\\\337`*\333\000\000\000\000\001\000\000"},
>>           addrlen = 4149479993, srctype = 32767, pktinfo = {v6info = 
>> {ipi6_addr = {__in6_u = {
>>                   __u6_addr8 = 
>> "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\060\300]VUU\000", __u6_addr16 = {0, 
>> 0, 0, 0, 49200, 22109,
>>                     21845, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 1448984624, 
>> 21845}}}, ipi6_ifindex = 1432264672}, v4info = {
>>               ipi_ifindex = 0, ipi_spec_dst = {s_addr = 0}, ipi_addr = 
>> {s_addr = 1448984624}}}}
>> #1  0x00005555555e815a in outnet_tcptimer (arg=0x5555566d9630) at 
>> services/outside_network.c:1120
>>         w = 0x5555566d9630
>>         outnet = 0x555555aa20e0
>>         cb = 0x5555555e9fe0 <serviced_tcp_callback>
>>         cb_arg = 0x555556b853b0
>>         __func__ = "outnet_tcptimer"


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