[Unbound-users] segfault when using dnstap at high load

Rogerio Bastos writeme at rogeriobastos.eti.br
Mon Apr 6 21:36:22 UTC 2015


I'm trying to test unbound witk dnstap. It works fine with low load, but 
exists with segfault at high load. The segfault only happens when dnstap 
is enabled in configuration.

I am using the debian package (version 1.5.3) avaible in [1] and 
recompiled with dnstap enabled.
I'm following instruction descripted in [2] and using fstrm version 

To test the server, I'm using dnsblast [3] with the follow command:

./dnsblast <server address> 50000 500

[1] https://packages.debian.org/experimental/unbound
[2] http://dnstap.info/Source/
[3] https://github.com/jedisct1/dnsblast


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