[Unbound-users] use-caps-for-id ignore list - feature request

Rygl Aleš ales at rygl.net
Sun Sep 14 16:56:32 UTC 2014

On Sunday 14 of September 2014 16:37:36 Paul wrote:

> That would be hard. Aren't all godaddy hosted domains (not godaddy itself) 
broken? That's why we had to disable this feature in fedora/RHEL 

I have found out a temporary solution. I am forwarding troubled domains to a 
another resolver without 0x20 support using forward zone:

unbound-control forward_add alibaba.com <IP>@<port>

You can try by our own, alibaba is still broken.

I have found out that even forwarding to a dummy IP solves the problem. For 
some reason it turns off caps_for_id feature and a the resolver replies.


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