[Unbound-users] Interface Automatic IPv6 / Load balancing

Robert Blayzor rblayzor.bulk at inoc.net
Thu Jul 10 22:35:53 UTC 2014

On Jul 10, 2014, at 5:26 PM, Andreas Schulze <sca at andreasschulze.de> wrote:
> you could also try to male unbound listen only to the "farm ip"
> for queries generated by unbound while talking to external nameservers
> you could set outgoing-ip.
> that works fine for me.
> (at least vor v4, v6 I'm currently unsure)

It worked fine for v4, but I did not have a VIP for v4, only v6.

I did manage to figure this out, it's not unbound.  The F5 was NATing the VIP destination to the real server IP.  I turned off destination NAT and now V6 is working just fine.  Sorry for the false alarm.


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