[Unbound-users] testing unbound (coming from bind)

James Starowitz starsoft at starnova.net
Thu Feb 20 22:50:49 UTC 2014

After testing unbound for a couple days I really like how simple it is to
use as a caching server.


My main reason for trying unbound was the min-cache-ttl


After testing unbound on 4 caching servers for a few days there are a few
things you could add to unbound that could really make it perfect.


1.      There really needs to be a min-neg-cache-ttl which overrides the
min-cache-ttl for non-existent domains

2.      I agree with Jiri unbound needs an acl type for only non recursive
(cache or local lookups)

a.      Our reason for this, is to restrict recursion loops in any fabric
forward first configuration (which works ok with bind)

                                                    i.     Check localhost
for cache if not found

                                                   ii.     Check forward
hosts (cache / local) for entry if not found

                                                  iii.     Do local root
lookup locally to go onto the internet and find the answer.


Id be happy to help test these features if these are something that can be


If you know of a way to accomplish these things in the unbound in its
current form please let me know!


Keep up the good work!





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