[Unbound-users] [NLnet Labs Maintainers] unbound 1.4.15 release

Robert Edmonds edmonds at debian.org
Sun Jan 29 01:24:33 UTC 2012

W.C.A. Wijngaards wrote:
> - #429 add ub_version() call to libunbound.  API version increase,
> with (binary) backwards compatibility for the previous version.

i understand this to mean that the SONAME should not have changed on glibc

    # 1.0.0 had 0:12:0
    [...13 lines...]
    # 1.4.1 had 2:1:0
    [...13 lines...]
    # 1.4.14 had 2:14:0

so, the SONAME should still be 'libunbound.so.2', since CURRENT minus
AGE is still 2.  however, when i built unbound 1.4.15 the SONAME was
instead 'libunbound.so.3'.

i believe this is due to the use of libtool's "-version-number" (which
takes a major:minor:revision argument) vs "-version-info" (which takes a
current:revision:age argument).

the attached patch changes from -version-number to -version-info.
however, with -version-info 3:0:1, this results in the .so receiving a
filename of "libunbound.so.2.1.0", which is identical to the .so
filename generated by unbound 1.4.1 ("-version-number 2:1:0").

Robert Edmonds
edmonds at debian.org
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