[Unbound-users] Unbound stops answering after ADSL-line bounce

Jan-Piet Mens jpmens.dns at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 07:29:25 UTC 2012


I'm running unbound-1.4.14 behind an ADSL line which is cycled once in a
while. This can take anything from several seconds to four/five minutes
(router reboot) before the Internet is visible again. At this point,
I've been experiencing Unbound replies with a SERVFAIL to all queries,
as though it marks the DNS servers as being down and stops sending
requests to them.

Is this a known issue?

(Somebody else has also experienced this problem with a vanilla Unbound
on what I call DAP [1], and he's reported this to me privately with a
pcap and verbosiyt=5 logfile I can submit privately if required.)



[1]: http://jpmens.net/pages/dns/dnssec-appliance/

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