[Unbound-users] Configuring CNAME for nosslsearch.google.com

Tobias Krais tux-spam at design-to-use.de
Tue Apr 17 20:46:34 UTC 2012

Hi all together,

quite interesting what you suggest. But I only understand half. Now,
here is my use case: Squid + Dansguardian as Content Filter for my local
computer. Currently, www.google.com search is blocked completely. All
additional services like www.google.com/calendar is blocked also and
that is bad.

Opening my browser, typing www.google.com should call
nosslsearch.google.com and open the www.google.com startpage. And this
with the simplest configuration.

Can you tell me: what is the simplest way? And: can you guide me in this
way (I am very, very new to DNS issues)?



Am 17.04.2012 19:16, schrieb Stephan Lagerholm:
>>> Best thing to do is to use an A and AAAA record instead.
>> Then you have to maintain synchronization with Google's DNS records and
>> your local-data. Using a stub-zone works perfectly and avoids this
>> scenario.
> Then you will have to maintain an authoritative server. Pick whichever you find easiest.
> /S

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