[Unbound-users] Configuring CNAME for nosslsearch.google.com

Tobias Krais tux-spam at design-to-use.de
Tue Apr 17 13:46:04 UTC 2012

Hi Phil,

> You want something like this:
>  local-zone: "google.com." transparent
>  local-data: "www.google.com. 300 IN CNAME nosslsearch.google.com."

I added this and my unbound restarts correctly, but...

> ...along with the normal unbound.conf config for recursive resolution.

how can I enable recursive resolution?

Here my current unbound.conf:
    auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/lib/unbound/root.key"

local-zone: "google.com." transparent
local-data: "www.google.com. 300 IN CNAME nosslsearch.google.com."

> To repeat what I've said elsewhere: I think this is a bad idea, and you
> shouldn't do it. It breaks DNSSEC, and potentially other things.

I agree. But do you know a better solution for the Google CNAME
suggestion? If not: let's continue ...



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