[Unbound-users] Requestlist filling ? automatic cleanup ?

Thomas mailinglists at iinet.com.au
Sun Mar 20 13:31:47 UTC 2011


I don't really understand how the request list flush old and often wrong 
queries from the request list. It is said in the man. that 
jostle-timeout is triggered when the server is very busy. What defines 
'busy' ?

For instance we have often a lot of crappy queries towards 
groupinfra.com (see attachment for a dump_requeslist|grep groupinfra) 
and they seem to never go away and fill our request list by more than a 
half (e.g: 195/375). Could that impact unbound reactivity ?

Note: jostle-timeout is still set to the default (see my config below).

I am asking that because sometimes our unbounds have a random hiccup and 
I am wondering if it could be due to this or not. The 'hiccup' is very 
hard to debug because it's random (once a month or so) on servers doing 
something like 500 to 1500 qps each so increasing the verbosity from 1 
to 2 is not really possible :)


         verbosity: 1
         interface-automatic: yes
         outgoing-range: 950
         outgoing-num-tcp: 40
         incoming-num-tcp: 40
         so-rcvbuf: 4m
         msg-cache-size: 200m
         rrset-cache-size: 400m
         access-control: allow_snoop
         access-control: ... allow
         hide-identity: yes
         hide-version: yes
         prefetch: yes
         prefetch-key: yes

         auto-trust-anchor-file: "root.key"

         control-enable: yes
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