[Unbound-users] unbound-control flush_zone problem

Isaac González isaac.gonzalez at claranet.es
Tue Feb 15 08:03:35 UTC 2011


We manage several autoritative servers with bind. We've encountered some 
problems in the next scenario:

1- I have a DNS zone (using BIND) with over 272 registers.
2- I modify a type A register for example and reload the BIND zone.
3- I execute the command unbound-control flush_zone domain.tld
4- I see the message "ok removed etc....)
5- If I do a query dig modified_register.domain.tld @localhost I don't 
see any changes. And doing the query to the autoritative BIND server the 
change is visible.

Using a small zone I can see  the changes immediately.

Are the some limit in the unbound config? Can you guide me to solve this 
problem? Is there any configuration parameter that I've missed?

Thanks in advance.
Please let me know if you need some information, our unbound 
configuration, etc...our unbound version is 1.4.7 with 

Isaac González

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