[Unbound-users] local-zone transparent behavior

Bryan Clay watermark86 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 19:10:11 UTC 2010

Hello all,

It's my understanding that in a configuration like:

local-zone: foo.com transparent
local-data: "foo.com. A"

Any queries for MX or NS records on foo.com will return NOERROR/NODATA by
design, even if that data exists in a forwarder upstream.  This make me cry
and I would be hugely grateful for a method, now or in a future release, for
a way to bypass this behavior.

I also recommend that this specific behavior be documented with the rest of
the transparent behavior in the manual.  It took me more than an hour to
diagnose this issue.  Maybe it will keep some other poor sap from going

Thanks for comments,
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