[Unbound-users] Python module and return codes

Leandro Tino leandro at itevoluxion.com
Mon Jul 19 19:27:49 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

I want to use a python module to intercept a NXDOMAIN condition.

Inside operate function, I am asking for rcodes as simply as :

def operate(id, event, qstate, qdata):

     if qstate.return_rcode == RCODE_NOERROR:
     if qstate.return_rcode == RCODE_NXDOMAIN:

	... etc ...

Even though I correctly get NXDOMAIN return code if I make queries  
from DNS client, my operate function always gives NOERROR  
independently of actual rcode returned.

All other examples work perfectly.

Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong?


Leandro C. Tino | IT evoluxion
Viamonte 577 Piso 8º, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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