[Unbound-users] 1.4.1 crashing

Artis Caune artis.caune at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 12:07:19 UTC 2010


we are switching to 1.4.1 version with this patch (FreeBSD8):

and unbound is crashing:
pid 1597 (unbound), uid 59: exited on signal 10
pid 18943 (unbound), uid 59: exited on signal 11

I have tried to run with:
- 1 and 2 threads
- with/without ipv6 patch, no luck.

now I'm running it without libevent (libevent-1.4.13).

>From statistics I can see, that it crashes when certiain amount of
memory is eaten, maybe when it's starting cache cleaning ?

Anyone have seen this?

Artis Caune

    Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

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