[Unbound-users] DNS multiplexer?

Patrik Fältström patrik at frobbit.se
Wed Aug 11 14:38:42 UTC 2010

If you do not do delegations from those authoritative servers, you should be fine as they have the response. Right?

But true, when I look I see the same. Did not think about that.



On 11 aug 2010, at 16.24, João Damas wrote:

> looked at that, but it says:
> The servers listed as forward-host: and forward-addr: have to handle further recursion for the query.  Thus, those  servers  are  not authority  servers, but are (just like unbound is) recursive servers too; 
> which seemed to rule out NSD as the target for the forward.
> Joao
> On 11 Aug 2010, at 16:08, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
>>> Does anyone know of any code that will let one to run Unbound and NSD on 
>>  the same IP address and still use port 53 for listening on both?
>>   Can you not run NSD on the same IP address but different port,
>>   and then set unbound to forward queries for the zones NSD is
>>   authoritative for to localhost:<port>? I.e. unbound listen on 53.
>> As far as I know, one can. See "Forward Zone Options" in man (5)
>> unbound.conf
>> 	jaap
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