[Unbound-users] Troubles with using Round-Robin balancing.

Pavel wishmaster at wishmaster.su
Tue Apr 20 00:27:36 UTC 2010

Hello, Florian.

You wrote on 19 April 2010, 15:06:38:

> * Pavel:

>> But unfortunately I've found that round-robin balancing don't really
>> works via unbound. It receives first reply from primary server, puts
>> it in the cache and then returns it always until the TTL is expired.

> Reordering the records is supposed to be pointless these days because
> clients are expected to sort them, basically according to the length
> of the shared prefix.  RFC 3484 has the details.  Don't be fooled by
> the title, the RFC is not (only) about default address selection, and
> not about IPv6 either, it also deals with how DNS (stub) resolvers
> report addresses to applications.

> I think the RFC is fundamentally wrong, but the IETF has not updated
> it, and the GNU libc folks (among others) treat it as gospel.

Thank you for your answer! I'm sorry, but I don't clearly understand
what you want to say? Does this feature limitation of unbound
is by-design? And can it be fixed by any reconfiguration of primary DNS
server which is running BIND? Or there is a hope that developers of unbound
will made a transparent-forward feature.

Just for note, djbdns works properly in this case, it gets by
including required zone to forward section. In other case it resolves
and cache zone via root servers.

Thank you!
Best regards,
 Pavel                          mailto:wishmaster at wishmaster.su

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