[Unbound-users] get ttl in libunbound?

David Hubbard david.c.hubbard at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 22:55:03 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I'd like to get the TTL value for a DNS request. I looked at what it
would take to add this to struct ub_result and it doesn't look too
difficult - patch attached.

Is this the right approach? Or should I use ldns to parse the raw
packet bytes to get the ttl?

-------------- next part --------------
diff -Naur unbound-svn/libunbound/libworker.c unbound-svn/libunbound/libworker.c
--- unbound-svn/libunbound/libworker.c	2009-11-13 13:49:03.000000000 -0700
+++ unbound-svn/libunbound/libworker.c	2009-11-13 14:17:26.000000000 -0700
@@ -393,11 +393,13 @@
 	} else	res->canonname = NULL;
 	res->data = (char**)calloc(data->count+1, sizeof(char*));
 	res->len = (int*)calloc(data->count+1, sizeof(int));
-	if(!res->data || !res->len)
+	res->ttl = (unsigned*)calloc(data->count+1, sizeof(unsigned));
+	if(!res->data || !res->len || !res->ttl)
 		return 0; /* out of memory */
 	for(i=0; i<data->count; i++) {
 		/* remove rdlength from rdata */
 		res->len[i] = (int)(data->rr_len[i] - 2);
+		res->ttl[i] = data->rr_ttl[i];
 		res->data[i] = memdup(data->rr_data[i]+2, (size_t)res->len[i]);
 			return 0; /* out of memory */
diff -Naur unbound-svn/libunbound/unbound.h unbound-svn/libunbound/unbound.h
--- unbound-svn/libunbound/unbound.h	2009-11-13 13:49:03.000000000 -0700
+++ unbound-svn/libunbound/unbound.h	2009-11-13 14:18:55.000000000 -0700
@@ -126,6 +126,9 @@
 	/** the length in bytes of the data items, len[i] for data[i] */
 	int* len;
+	/** TTL (in seconds like time()) of rdata items */
+	unsigned* ttl;
 	 * canonical name for the result (the final cname). 
 	 * zero terminated string.

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