[Unbound-users] use of unbound's interface-automatic option.

Ondřej Surý ondrej at sury.org
Sun Feb 15 12:27:35 UTC 2009

> Hmm, OK, well I think a better way to express that so that it cannot be as
> easily misunderstood would be to write:
>        if (do_auto && !(do_ip4 && do_ip6)) {
>                print error...
>                return ...;
>        }

I don't know about what is more natural in English, but it seems to me
that original said:

IF (AUTO_is_enabled AND (IPv4_is_disabled OR IPv6 is disabled))

and you changed this to:

IF (AUTO_is_enabled AND NOT (IPv4_is_enabled AND IPv6_is_enabled))

which is much more confusing for me.

Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>

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