[Unbound-users] Unbound on NetBSD

SeaCat seacat at ugtel.ru
Fri Jul 25 10:46:37 UTC 2008

Hello Unbound-users,

  I'm trying run Unbound 1.0.1 on NetBSD, and have some trouble all time.

NetBSD 3.1.1 (GENERIC.MPACPI) #0: Thu Nov 22 20:38:37 MSK 2007
total memory = 3071 MB
avail memory = 2997 MB
BIOS32 rev. 0 found at 0xfdb50
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel Xeon (686-class), 2396.05 MHz, id 0xf27
cpu0: features bfebfbff<FPU,VME,DE,PSE,TSC,MSR,PAE,MCE,CX8,APIC,SEP,MTRR>
cpu0: features bfebfbff<PGE,MCA,CMOV,PAT,PSE36,CFLUSH,DS,ACPI,MMX>
cpu0: features bfebfbff<FXSR,SSE,SSE2,SS,HTT,TM,SBF>
cpu0: features2 400<CID>
cpu0: "Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz"
cpu0: I-cache 12K uOp cache 8-way, D-cache 8 KB 64B/line 4-way
cpu0: L2 cache 512 KB 64B/line 8-way
cpu0: ITLB 4K/4M: 64 entries
cpu0: DTLB 4K/4M: 64 entries
cpu0: using thermal monitor 1
cpu0: calibrating local timer
cpu0: apic clock running at 99 MHz
cpu0: 16 page colors
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: starting
cpu1: Intel Xeon (686-class), 2395.92 MHz, id 0xf27
cpu1: features bfebfbff<FPU,VME,DE,PSE,TSC,MSR,PAE,MCE,CX8,APIC,SEP,MTRR>
cpu1: features bfebfbff<PGE,MCA,CMOV,PAT,PSE36,CFLUSH,DS,ACPI,MMX>
cpu1: features bfebfbff<FXSR,SSE,SSE2,SS,HTT,TM,SBF>
cpu1: features2 400<CID>
cpu1: "Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz"
cpu1: I-cache 12K uOp cache 8-way, D-cache 8 KB 64B/line 4-way
cpu1: L2 cache 512 KB 64B/line 8-way
cpu1: ITLB 4K/4M: 64 entries
cpu1: DTLB 4K/4M: 64 entries
cpu1: using thermal monitor 1
[1216975467] unbound[4259:0] info: start of service (unbound 1.0.1).
[1216975478] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975478] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975478] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975478] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975478] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975478] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975484] unbound[4259:2] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975484] unbound[4259:2] info: failed address port 53
[1216975484] unbound[4259:2] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975485] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975485] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975485] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975486] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975486] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975486] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975487] unbound[4259:3] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975487] unbound[4259:3] info: failed address port 53
[1216975487] unbound[4259:3] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975487] unbound[4259:2] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975487] unbound[4259:2] info: failed address port 53
[1216975487] unbound[4259:2] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975496] unbound[4259:3] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975496] unbound[4259:3] info: failed address port 53
[1216975496] unbound[4259:3] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975498] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975498] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975498] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975499] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975499] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975499] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975525] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975525] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975525] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975526] unbound[4259:3] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975526] unbound[4259:3] info: failed address port 53
[1216975526] unbound[4259:3] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975539] unbound[4259:3] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975539] unbound[4259:3] info: failed address port 53
[1216975539] unbound[4259:3] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975539] unbound[4259:2] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975539] unbound[4259:2] info: failed address port 53
[1216975539] unbound[4259:2] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975568] unbound[4259:1] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975568] unbound[4259:1] info: failed address port 53
[1216975568] unbound[4259:1] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975577] unbound[4259:1] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975577] unbound[4259:1] info: failed address port 53
[1216975577] unbound[4259:1] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975578] unbound[4259:1] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975578] unbound[4259:1] info: failed address port 53
[1216975578] unbound[4259:1] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975578] unbound[4259:1] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975578] unbound[4259:1] info: failed address port 53
[1216975578] unbound[4259:1] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975579] unbound[4259:1] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975579] unbound[4259:1] info: failed address port 53
[1216975579] unbound[4259:1] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975579] unbound[4259:2] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975579] unbound[4259:2] info: failed address port 53
[1216975579] unbound[4259:2] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975579] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975579] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975579] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975617] unbound[4259:1] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975617] unbound[4259:1] info: failed address port 53
[1216975617] unbound[4259:1] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975620] unbound[4259:3] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975620] unbound[4259:3] info: failed address port 53
[1216975620] unbound[4259:3] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975630] unbound[4259:0] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975630] unbound[4259:0] info: failed address port 53
[1216975630] unbound[4259:0] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975659] unbound[4259:3] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975659] unbound[4259:3] info: failed address port 53
[1216975659] unbound[4259:3] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975660] unbound[4259:1] error: outgoing tcp: connect: No route to host
[1216975660] unbound[4259:1] info: failed address port 53
[1216975660] unbound[4259:1] error: serviced_tcp_initiate: failed to send tcp query
[1216975680] unbound[4259:0] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216975680] unbound[4259:0] info: remote address is (inet_ntop error) port 0
[1216975680] unbound[4259:2] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216975680] unbound[4259:2] info: remote address is (inet_ntop error) port 0
[1216975680] unbound[4259:3] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216975680] unbound[4259:3] info: remote address is (inet_ntop error) port 0
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info: server stats for thread 0: 25475 queries, 13867 answers from cache, 11608 recursions
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info: server stats for thread 0: requestlist max 75 avg 23.843 exceeded 0
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info: average recursion processing time 1.163149 sec
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info: [25%]=0.0244333 median[50%]=0.0317697 [75%]=0.0773734
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.000000    0.000001 1674
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.000512    0.001024 25
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.001024    0.002048 6
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.002048    0.004096 123
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.004096    0.008192 29
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.008192    0.016384 8
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.016384    0.032768 811
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.032768    0.065536 287
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.065536    0.131072 2101
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.131072    0.262144 2954
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2209
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.524288    1.000000 713
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    1.000000    2.000000 254
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    2.000000    4.000000 164
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    4.000000    8.000000 37
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:    8.000000   16.000000 29
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:   16.000000   32.000000 23
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:   32.000000   64.000000 26
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:   64.000000  128.000000 42
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:  128.000000  256.000000 44
[1216976067] unbound[4259:0] info:  256.000000  512.000000 1
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info: server stats for thread 1: 25578 queries, 14121 answers from cache, 11457 recursions
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info: server stats for thread 1: requestlist max 71 avg 24.8999 exceeded 0
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info: average recursion processing time 1.056014 sec
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info: [25%]=0.0160522 median[50%]=0.0296278 [75%]=0.080503
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.000000    0.000001 1729
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.000256    0.000512 1
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.000512    0.001024 38
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.001024    0.002048 11
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.002048    0.004096 124
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.004096    0.008192 33
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.008192    0.016384 7
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.016384    0.032768 754
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.032768    0.065536 321
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.065536    0.131072 2056
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.131072    0.262144 2807
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2220
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.524288    1.000000 683
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    1.000000    2.000000 278
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    2.000000    4.000000 147
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    4.000000    8.000000 28
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:    8.000000   16.000000 34
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:   16.000000   32.000000 19
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:   32.000000   64.000000 46
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:   64.000000  128.000000 59
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:  128.000000  256.000000 18
[1216976067] unbound[4259:1] info:  256.000000  512.000000 4
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info: server stats for thread 2: 24888 queries, 13736 answers from cache, 11152 recursions
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info: server stats for thread 2: requestlist max 51 avg 24.8879 exceeded 0
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info: average recursion processing time 1.104739 sec
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info: [25%]=0.032655 median[50%]=0.0369987 [75%]=0.0890032
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.000000    0.000001 1553
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.000512    0.001024 25
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.001024    0.002048 6
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.002048    0.004096 115
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.004096    0.008192 45
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.008192    0.016384 11
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.016384    0.032768 735
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.032768    0.065536 290
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.065536    0.131072 1980
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.131072    0.262144 2827
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2209
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.524288    1.000000 682
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    1.000000    2.000000 266
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    2.000000    4.000000 152
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    4.000000    8.000000 36
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:    8.000000   16.000000 26
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:   16.000000   32.000000 41
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:   32.000000   64.000000 43
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:   64.000000  128.000000 38
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:  128.000000  256.000000 32
[1216976067] unbound[4259:2] info:  256.000000  512.000000 4
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info: server stats for thread 3: 26165 queries, 14340 answers from cache, 11825 recursions
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info: server stats for thread 3: requestlist max 64 avg 22.8457 exceeded 0
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info: average recursion processing time 1.314509 sec
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info: [25%]=0.00610676 median[50%]=0.0260082 [75%]=0.0799675
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.000000    0.000001 1893
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.000512    0.001024 23
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.001024    0.002048 6
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.002048    0.004096 110
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.004096    0.008192 36
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.008192    0.016384 14
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.016384    0.032768 805
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.032768    0.065536 330
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.065536    0.131072 2125
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.131072    0.262144 2797
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2316
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.524288    1.000000 669
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    1.000000    2.000000 285
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    2.000000    4.000000 173
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    4.000000    8.000000 23
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:    8.000000   16.000000 31
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:   16.000000   32.000000 27
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:   32.000000   64.000000 62
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:   64.000000  128.000000 52
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:  128.000000  256.000000 12
[1216976067] unbound[4259:3] info:  256.000000  512.000000 5
[1216976094] unbound[4259:1] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216976094] unbound[4259:1] info: remote address is port 2469
[1216976203] unbound[4259:0] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216976203] unbound[4259:0] info: remote address is (inet_ntop error) port 0
[1216976203] unbound[4259:2] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216976203] unbound[4259:2] info: remote address is port 51675
[1216976203] unbound[4259:3] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216976203] unbound[4259:3] info: remote address is port 52439
[1216976563] unbound[4259:3] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216976563] unbound[4259:3] info: remote address is port 52439
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info: server stats for thread 0: 26776 queries, 15886 answers from cache, 10890 recursions
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info: server stats for thread 0: requestlist max 76 avg 28.0931 exceeded 0
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info: average recursion processing time 3.032008 sec
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info: [25%]=0.0226604 median[50%]=0.0609435 [75%]=0.120419
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.000000    0.000001 803
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.000512    0.001024 10
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.001024    0.002048 5
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.002048    0.004096 122
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.004096    0.008192 42
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.008192    0.016384 6
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.016384    0.032768 752
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.032768    0.065536 320
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.065536    0.131072 1903
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.131072    0.262144 3168
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2227
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.524288    1.000000 680
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    1.000000    2.000000 298
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    2.000000    4.000000 159
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    4.000000    8.000000 39
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:    8.000000   16.000000 33
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:   16.000000   32.000000 62
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:   32.000000   64.000000 97
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:   64.000000  128.000000 87
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:  128.000000  256.000000 50
[1216976667] unbound[4259:0] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 9
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info: server stats for thread 1: 26306 queries, 15758 answers from cache, 10548 recursions
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info: server stats for thread 1: requestlist max 77 avg 24.2906 exceeded 0
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info: average recursion processing time 2.394603 sec
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info: [25%]=0.0224642 median[50%]=0.0611799 [75%]=0.118842
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.000000    0.000001 783
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.000512    0.001024 15
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.001024    0.002048 3
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.002048    0.004096 94
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.004096    0.008192 43
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.008192    0.016384 12
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.016384    0.032768 721
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.032768    0.065536 326
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.065536    0.131072 1862
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.131072    0.262144 3024
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2256
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.524288    1.000000 604
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    1.000000    2.000000 289
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    2.000000    4.000000 169
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    4.000000    8.000000 31
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:    8.000000   16.000000 38
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:   16.000000   32.000000 46
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:   32.000000   64.000000 70
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:   64.000000  128.000000 86
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:  128.000000  256.000000 63
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:  256.000000  512.000000 4
[1216976667] unbound[4259:1] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 2
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info: server stats for thread 2: 26372 queries, 15917 answers from cache, 10455 recursions
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info: server stats for thread 2: requestlist max 68 avg 23.6615 exceeded 0
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info: average recursion processing time 2.008299 sec
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info: [25%]=0.0221386 median[50%]=0.0594634 [75%]=0.113779
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.000000    0.000001 781
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.000512    0.001024 13
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.001024    0.002048 4
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.002048    0.004096 87
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.004096    0.008192 46
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.008192    0.016384 6
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.016384    0.032768 729
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.032768    0.065536 304
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.065536    0.131072 1862
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.131072    0.262144 3011
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2198
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.524288    1.000000 645
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    1.000000    2.000000 251
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    2.000000    4.000000 173
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    4.000000    8.000000 31
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:    8.000000   16.000000 39
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:   16.000000   32.000000 36
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:   32.000000   64.000000 62
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:   64.000000  128.000000 62
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:  128.000000  256.000000 50
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:  256.000000  512.000000 3
[1216976667] unbound[4259:2] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 3
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info: server stats for thread 3: 26330 queries, 15884 answers from cache, 10446 recursions
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info: server stats for thread 3: requestlist max 79 avg 28.2193 exceeded 0
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info: average recursion processing time 2.390565 sec
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info: [25%]=0.0212237 median[50%]=0.0590673 [75%]=0.113723
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.000000    0.000001 765
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.000512    0.001024 14
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.001024    0.002048 4
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.002048    0.004096 102
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.004096    0.008192 39
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.008192    0.016384 5
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.016384    0.032768 775
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.032768    0.065536 302
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.065536    0.131072 1845
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.131072    0.262144 3009
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2191
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.524288    1.000000 610
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    1.000000    2.000000 292
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    2.000000    4.000000 153
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    4.000000    8.000000 25
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:    8.000000   16.000000 35
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:   16.000000   32.000000 46
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:   32.000000   64.000000 93
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:   64.000000  128.000000 59
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:  128.000000  256.000000 44
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:  256.000000  512.000000 5
[1216976667] unbound[4259:3] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 1
[1216977104] unbound[4259:2] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977104] unbound[4259:2] info: remote address is port 51675
[1216977160] unbound[4259:2] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977160] unbound[4259:2] info: remote address is port 51675
[1216977160] unbound[4259:1] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977160] unbound[4259:1] info: remote address is port 64850
[1216977160] unbound[4259:0] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977160] unbound[4259:0] info: remote address is (inet_ntop error) port 0
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info: server stats for thread 0: 25696 queries, 16180 answers from cache, 9516 recursions
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info: server stats for thread 0: requestlist max 57 avg 24.4975 exceeded 0
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info: average recursion processing time 3.105758 sec
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info: [25%]=0.01936 median[50%]=0.0492848 [75%]=0.112642
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.000000    0.000001 774
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.000128    0.000256 1
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.000512    0.001024 8
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.001024    0.002048 6
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.002048    0.004096 80
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.004096    0.008192 52
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.008192    0.016384 3
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.016384    0.032768 579
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.032768    0.065536 272
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.065536    0.131072 2070
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.131072    0.262144 2468
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.262144    0.524288 1970
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    0.524288    1.000000 542
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    1.000000    2.000000 250
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    2.000000    4.000000 128
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    4.000000    8.000000 44
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:    8.000000   16.000000 39
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:   16.000000   32.000000 51
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:   32.000000   64.000000 39
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:   64.000000  128.000000 92
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:  128.000000  256.000000 72
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:  256.000000  512.000000 4
[1216977267] unbound[4259:0] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 2
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info: server stats for thread 1: 25855 queries, 16211 answers from cache, 9644 recursions
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info: server stats for thread 1: requestlist max 60 avg 25.8218 exceeded 0
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info: average recursion processing time 2.288756 sec
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info: [25%]=0.0192983 median[50%]=0.05007 [75%]=0.11747
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.000000    0.000001 835
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.000512    0.001024 12
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.001024    0.002048 3
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.002048    0.004096 69
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.004096    0.008192 39
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.008192    0.016384 7
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.016384    0.032768 590
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.032768    0.065536 241
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.065536    0.131072 2097
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.131072    0.262144 2445
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2014
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    0.524288    1.000000 577
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    1.000000    2.000000 280
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    2.000000    4.000000 124
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    4.000000    8.000000 39
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:    8.000000   16.000000 45
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:   16.000000   32.000000 40
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:   32.000000   64.000000 59
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:   64.000000  128.000000 83
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:  128.000000  256.000000 42
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:  256.000000  512.000000 12
[1216977267] unbound[4259:1] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 1
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info: server stats for thread 3: 26124 queries, 16405 answers from cache, 9719 recursions
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info: server stats for thread 3: requestlist max 65 avg 28.3333 exceeded 0
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info: average recursion processing time 2.413826 sec
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info: [25%]=0.0197528 median[50%]=0.0492471 [75%]=0.107909
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.000000    0.000001 760
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.000512    0.001024 16
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.001024    0.002048 1
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.002048    0.004096 74
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.004096    0.008192 36
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.008192    0.016384 6
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.016384    0.032768 597
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.032768    0.065536 315
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info: server stats for thread 2: 26430 queries, 16481 answers from cache, 9949 recursions
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info: server stats for thread 2: requestlist max 71 avg 30.3948 exceeded 0
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info: average recursion processing time 3.406343 sec
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info: histogram of recursion processing times
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info: [25%]=0.0207179 median[50%]=0.0504455 [75%]=0.116654
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info: lower(secs) upper(secs) recursions
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.000000    0.000001 770
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.000512    0.001024 13
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.001024    0.002048 5
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.002048    0.004096 61
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.004096    0.008192 45
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.008192    0.016384 7
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.016384    0.032768 636
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.032768    0.065536 268
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.065536    0.131072 2204
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.131072    0.262144 2584
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2050
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    0.524288    1.000000 554
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    1.000000    2.000000 283
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    2.000000    4.000000 129
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    4.000000    8.000000 34
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:    8.000000   16.000000 45
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:   16.000000   32.000000 54
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:   32.000000   64.000000 57
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:   64.000000  128.000000 113
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:  128.000000  256.000000 80
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:  256.000000  512.000000 12
[1216977267] unbound[4259:2] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 3
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.065536    0.131072 2101
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.131072    0.262144 2583
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.262144    0.524288 2006
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    0.524288    1.000000 522
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    1.000000    2.000000 286
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    2.000000    4.000000 105
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    4.000000    8.000000 54
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:    8.000000   16.000000 39
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:   16.000000   32.000000 36
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:   32.000000   64.000000 71
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:   64.000000  128.000000 77
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:  128.000000  256.000000 58
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:  256.000000  512.000000 7
[1216977267] unbound[4259:3] info:  512.000000 1024.000000 3
[1216977313] unbound[4259:2] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977313] unbound[4259:2] info: remote address is port 51675
[1216977313] unbound[4259:3] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977313] unbound[4259:3] info: remote address is port 64716
[1216977313] unbound[4259:1] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977313] unbound[4259:1] info: remote address is port 64850
[1216977348] unbound[4259:2] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977348] unbound[4259:2] info: remote address is port 51675
[1216977348] unbound[4259:3] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977348] unbound[4259:3] info: remote address is port 64716
[1216977348] unbound[4259:1] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977348] unbound[4259:1] info: remote address is port 64850
[1216977549] unbound[4259:2] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977549] unbound[4259:2] info: remote address is port 51675
[1216977549] unbound[4259:0] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977549] unbound[4259:0] info: remote address is port 1633
[1216977549] unbound[4259:3] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977549] unbound[4259:3] info: remote address is port 64716
[1216977652] unbound[4259:0] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977652] unbound[4259:0] info: remote address is port 1633
[1216977652] unbound[4259:3] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977652] unbound[4259:3] info: remote address is port 64716
[1216977652] unbound[4259:1] error: accept failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
[1216977652] unbound[4259:1] info: remote address is port 51304
[1216977830] unbound[4259:1] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977830] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977830] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977830] unbound[4259:1] error: malloc failure: allocating incoming dns_msg
[1216977830] unbound[4259:1] error: mesh_state_attachment: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:3] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:3] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:3] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:3] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:3] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:3] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977830] unbound[4259:3] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977830] unbound[4259:3] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: mesh_state_attachment: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: malloc failure: allocating incoming dns_msg
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mesh_state_attachment: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: malloc failure: allocating incoming dns_msg
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: mesh_state_attachment: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: malloc failure: allocating incoming dns_msg
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: mesh_state_attachment: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977831] unbound[4259:3] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:0] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977831] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977832] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977832] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977832] unbound[4259:2] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977832] unbound[4259:2] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977832] unbound[4259:3] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977832] unbound[4259:3] error: mesh_state_attachment: out of memory
[1216977832] unbound[4259:3] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977832] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977832] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977832] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977833] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977833] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977833] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977833] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977833] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977833] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977833] unbound[4259:1] error: set_lame: malloc failure
[1216977833] unbound[4259:1] error: mark host lame: out of memory
[1216977833] unbound[4259:3] error: malloc failure: allocating incoming dns_msg
[1216977833] unbound[4259:3] error: mesh_state_attachment: out of memory
[1216977833] unbound[4259:0] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977833] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977833] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977833] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977833] unbound[4259:2] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977833] unbound[4259:0] error: malloc failure: allocating incoming dns_msg
[1216977833] unbound[4259:0] error: mesh_state_attachment: out of memory
[1216977833] unbound[4259:3] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977833] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977833] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977833] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977833] unbound[4259:3] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977833] unbound[4259:3] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:1] error: find_delegation: addrs out of memory
[1216977840] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:1] error: out of memory adding targets
[1216977840] unbound[4259:3] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977840] unbound[4259:3] error: store_msg: malloc failed
[1216977840] unbound[4259:0] fatal error: prealloc: out of memory
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