[RPKI] Help to Upgrade Krill 0.5 to stable(0.96)

Douglas Fischer fischerdouglas at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 12:37:51 UTC 2022

A consultant customer deployed Krill 0.5 (right at the begining of
Registro.BR RPKI Support).
And kept it forgotten in the locker since that.

Recently he is having some issues with the Key rolling.
Roas has expired (or stale, I don't know the correct word for that)

We did some manual rol as a Band-aid... And it is working now.

Now we need to put it on a non-prehistoric version.
But the Upgrade instructions do not cover that incredibly old version.

The possibility of re-creating the CAs on the Parent is discarded by now.
Because it would involve manually accessing the Registro.BR interface
one-by-one of the ASNs hosted (Registro.BR still supply API to Handlers).

Any suggestions?

Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação
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