[nsd-users] Adding PTR records

Jan-Piet Mens list at mens.de
Sun Sep 10 18:25:35 UTC 2023

>What is the right way to add PTR records to zonefile?
>I have the following config. Is it syntactically correct?
>humaaraartha.in.       A
>      PTR       humaaraartha.in. 

These two records cannot reside in the same zone file: the first will be in the
zone humaaraartha.in, and the second in an in-addr.arpa.  zone, and the names
can be generated with BIND's arpaname(1) utility or with dig(1).

>When I dig the latter @localhost, I'm unable to get humaaraartha.in. 

The syntax for dig is either the fully qualified in-addr.arpa name with type
PTR or using the IP address proper with

	dig -x

>P.S. Kindly cc me, I'm not subscribed to the mailing list.

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