[nsd-users] NSD4.0.0b3 addzone|delzone

Jan-Piet Mens jpmens.dns at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 18:28:58 UTC 2013


I asked recently on the mailing-list of <a different DNS server> :)
about adding zones on the fly, and it occurs to me that I have exactly
the same questions about `nsd-control addzone|delzone`.

I'd appreciate if you could help me clarify a few things, please.

1. Is NSD 'deaf' during an `addzone'? I don't think so, but I'm finding
   it hard to determine definitely. I'm primarily concerned with NSD
   being able to handle any NOTIFYs it gets.

2. When I `addzone' a slave zone, NSD immediately picks
   that up, transfers the zone and creates the specified file. However,
   `delzone', while it drops the zone from NSD, does not remove
   the zone file from the file system. Is that a bug or was that
   implemented intentionally?

   It seems a bit illogical to me that the zone file isn't removed from
   the file system: what NSD creates it can remove. :-)

3. If I direct `addzone|delzone' at the same NSD instance from
   multiple processes (on differing source IP address), is there any
   danger of the zonelist file being corrupted? Would there be a locking

Thanks for clarification.



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