[nsd-users] NSD 3.2.5 not serving NSEC3

Casper Gielen c.gielen at uvt.nl
Mon Mar 26 11:54:26 UTC 2012

Op 26-03-12 13:37, W.C.A. Wijngaards schreef:
> The NSEC3 spec forbids direct queries for NSEC3 records.  You can
> query for NSEC3PARAM records.  You can query for nxdomain and see the
> NSEC3 records in the reply (+dnssec).

That must be it. Thanks for explaining. The NSD version I'm using is so
old that it doensn't know it shouldn't serve NSEC3. Some check sends me
alerts the zones are not in sync. I'll ignore it for now.
Casper Gielen <cgielen at uvt.nl> | LIS UNIX
PGP fingerprint = 16BD 2C9F 8156 C242 F981  63B8 2214 083C F80E 4AF7

Universiteit van Tilburg | Postbus 90153, 5000 LE
Warandelaan 2 | Telefoon 013 466 4100 | G 236 | http://www.uvt.nl

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