[nsd-users] Fwd:CNAME into a delegated zone goes wrong.... any ideas?

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Sun Jun 12 22:50:40 UTC 2011

As just briefly discussed on dns-operations:

> Because there is an error in the zone configuration, the logs on my
> BIND server show:
> 12-Jun-2011 23:23:07.419 DNS format error from
> resolving ntp.us.sixxs.net/A for client multiple NS
> RRsets in authority section
> 12-Jun-2011 23:23:07.502 DNS format error from
> resolving ntp.us.sixxs.net/A for client multiple NS
> RRsets in authority section
> The authority records that come back from a "dig @ns.paphosting.net
> ntp.us.sixxs.net" show...
> ntp.sixxs.net.		3600	IN	NS	ns1.sixxs.net.
> ntp.sixxs.net.		3600	IN	NS	ns2.sixxs.net.
> ntp.sixxs.net.		3600	IN	NS	ns3.sixxs.net.
> sixxs.net.		3600	IN	NS	ns.paphosting.net.
> sixxs.net.		3600	IN	NS	ns.paphosting.nl.
> sixxs.net.		3600	IN	NS	ns.paphosting.eu.
> ...therefore BIND doesn't know who to query and drops it - the
> sixxs.net. servers should not be being returned in the Authority,
> there is no real need to return them at all, but if it does then they
> should be in the Additional section.

Why is nsd putting the ntp.sixxs.net NS entries in auth and not in
additional? (ns.paphosting.* and ns*.sixxs.net are all nsd btw)

Anything we configured wrong, or just weird enough that it causes this
behavior? What to do to resolve this?


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