[nsd-users] Update failed restarting transfer (notifed zone)

Adapa, Srinivasa Srinivasa.Adapa at neustar.biz
Tue Sep 30 14:55:15 UTC 2008

>>We occasionally see things like this in our logs:
>>[1216778417] nsd[1350]: error: xfrd: zone org: soa serial 2008258482 update failed restarting transfer (notified zone)
>>The error message comes from these lines in xfrd.c:
>>            if(zone->soa_disk_acquired < xfrd->reload_cmd_last_sent) {
>>                /* this zone should have been loaded, since its disk
>>                   soa time is before the time of the reload cmd. */
>>When this happens, no further IXFR occurs until the appropriate SOA
>>timer expires and then the zone is transferred. (I am not 100% sure, but
>>the system seems to fix itself after about this much time.)
>>So, I do not know:
>>1. Why the system gets in this state.
>>2. Why it cannot get out of the state.
>>I think a code fix is needed, but I don't really know exactly what. :)

I ran into the same problem, the slave was unable to recover from the state, don’t know what triggered the problem. There is plenty of RAM still available on the system though, I am using 3.1.1 Version on RH Linux 3.2. In my case it is very frequent, purposefully I didn’t run ‘nsdc patch’ for couple of days. I did nsdc patch, rebuild and reload. Nothing seems to fix the problem, I had to restart ‘nsd’ to fix. 

1222475586] nsd[15205]: info: Notify received and accepted, forward to xfrd
[1222475586] nsd[15201]: warning: Reload process 15206 failed with status 256, continuing with old database
[1222475586] nsd[13390]: error: xfrd: zone test.com: soa serial 2003384267 update failed restarting transfer (notified zone)
[1222475586] nsd[13390]: info: Handle incoming notify for zone test.com
[1222475586] nsd[13390]: info: Handle incoming notify for zone biz.com
[1222475586] nsd[13390]: info: Handle incoming notify for zone biz.com
[1222475593] nsd[15201]: warning: signal received, reloading...
[1222475593] nsd[15211]: info: memory recyclebin holds 573484 bytes
[1222475594] nsd[15211]: error: fork failed: Cannot allocate memory
[1222475594] nsd[15201]: warning: Reload process 15211 failed with status 256, continuing with old database
[1222475594] nsd[13390]: error: xfrd: zone biz.com: soa serial 5930174 update failed restarting transfer (notified zone)
[1222475594] nsd[13390]: info: Handle incoming notify for zone biz.com
[1222475643] nsd[15202]: info: Notify received and accepted, forward to xfrd
[1222475643] nsd[13390]: info: Handle incoming notify for zone test.com
[1222475643] nsd[13390]: info: Handle incoming notify for zone test.com
[1222475643] nsd[15201]: warning: signal received, reloading...
[1222475644] nsd[15214]: info: memory recyclebin holds 573484 bytes
[1222475644] nsd[15214]: error: fork failed: Cannot allocate memory
[1222475645] nsd[15201]: warning: Reload process 15214 failed with status 256, continuing with old database
[1222475645] nsd[13390]: error: xfrd: zone test.com: soa serial 2003384268 update failed restarting transfer (notified zone)


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