nsd reload issue

Måns Nilsson mansaxel at kthnoc.net
Fri Jun 29 07:30:47 UTC 2007

--On torsdag, torsdag 28 jun 2007 17.58.31 -0500 Kevin Wormington
<kworm at sofnet.com> wrote:

> I'm using NSD 3.0.5 and I have noticed that after I add a new zone to 
> the config file and do an "nsdc rebuild" it will compile the database 
> just fine.  When I do an "nsdc reload" it get a message in syslog about 
> the database being corrupt and it keeping the in-memory copy.  If I do 
> an "nsdc stop; nsdc start" it loads the new database just fine.
> Any ideas?

I have the same problem. Most irritating. I think it can be summarised to
"NSD does not seem to like getting new zones without start/stop". I have
been looking through the documents for a procedure that I simply
overlooked. It does not look like that. Please tell me I'm wrong! 

Måns Nilsson                     Systems Specialist
+46 70 681 7204   cell                       KTHNOC
+46 8 790 6518  office                  MN1334-RIPE

I HAVE to buy a new "DODGE MISER" and two dozen JORDACHE JEANS because
my viewscreen is "USER-FRIENDLY"!!
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