no response from nsd 2.3.4 with more than 12 server processes

jad at jad at
Wed May 31 14:47:34 UTC 2006


I just thought I would try and load test nsd 2.3.4 on a Sun T2000 running 
Solaris 10 01/06 but I am having a few problems.

If I specify the number of servers to be more than 12 I get no response 
from nsd when I try to query it. With 12 or less servers it works fine. I 
am specifying the number of servers by editing nsdc and adding -N 12 to 
the flags line. The server I am using has 32 virtual processors so in the 
end I want to use -N 32. For example after starting with -N 13, dig gives 
the following

dig @localhost soa
; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> @localhost soa
;; global options:  printcmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

with -N 12 I get a response.

Has anyone else tried running nsd with so many servers?

BTW - I also noticed that if I start nsd using nsdc start and then try and 
start it again nsdc correctly reports that nsd is already running. However 
for some reason the pid file gets removed. For example
bash-3.00# /opt/nsd/sbin/nsdc start
bash-3.00# ls -l /opt/nsd/etc/nsd/ 
-rw-r--r--   1 nsd      other          6 May 31 15:27 
bash-3.00# /opt/nsd/sbin/nsdc start
[1149085664] nsd[26337]: warning: nsd is already running as 26320, 
bash-3.00# ls -l /opt/nsd/etc/nsd/ 
/opt/nsd/etc/nsd/ No such file or directory
bash-3.00# /opt/nsd/sbin/nsdc stop 
nsd is not running
bash-3.00# ps -ef | grep nsd
     nsd 26324 26320   0 15:27:35 ?           0:00 /opt/nsd/sbin/nsd -f 
/opt/nsd/etc/nsd/nsd.db -P /opt/nsd/etc/nsd/ 
    root 26343 26314   0 15:27:59 pts/2       0:00 grep nsd
     nsd 26326 26320   0 15:27:35 ?           0:00 /opt/nsd/sbin/nsd -f 
/opt/nsd/etc/nsd/nsd.db -P /opt/nsd/etc/nsd/ 


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