Question about performance

Irenäus Becker lists at
Mon Jun 12 17:40:34 UTC 2006


we use nsd version 2.3.3 with currently 53000 active zones. Within nsd.zones - file we have 9000 commented zones, so that our nsd.zones keeps 62000 entrys. The size is 3,5 Mb. All active zones together have 400000 records.
The application "zonec" needs 5-6 minutes to rebuild nsd.database (current size: 15Mb) on a Sun Fire 280 Ultrasparc III 900MHz with 1GB Ram. 
The load of Maschine keeps 0.1-0.2 while zonec rebuilds nsd.database.

My questions are:
- Do you also need this time to rebuild nsd.database?
- Why keeps the load at such low level?
- Is it possible to accelerate the rebuild process?

Thank you very much,
Irenäus Becker

Irenäus Becker        DSS Gesellschaft fuer Digitale Sicherheit mbH
                         Team Leader Customer Care
Servatiusweg 19 - 23		                     53332 Bornheim
phone +49 2222 990-0               **          fax +49 2222 990-444    **

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