which is the vaild a format?

Arnt Gulbrandsen arnt at gulbrandsen.priv.no
Mon Dec 11 11:25:07 UTC 2006

Ted Lindgreen writes:
> If you want to change/update the REQUIREMENTS, which is basis for the 
> NSD design and implementation, you can, of course, start a discussion 
> on that topic.
> But then, you can expect me, and probably others also, to argue that 
> dealing with zone file errors is an zonefile administrator task, and 
> not a task for the (fast, high performance, thus mean-and-lean) NSD 
> daemon process. There are off-line zonefile syntaxcheckers to assist 
> zonefile administrators.

REQUIREMENTS says "well documented", so I think you might as well 
mention one or two recommended checkers/linters in the nsd or nsdc 
manpages, and it also says "conformity to relevant RFCs", which I 
assumed to mean that even if I do feed nsdc bad input, nsd's answers 
won't flagrantly violate the RFCs.


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