Suboptimal behavior from nsd

Miek Gieben miekg at
Thu Jan 15 11:06:35 UTC 2004

[On 15 Jan, @12:01, Roy wrote in "Re: Suboptimal behavior from n ..."]
> > I don't think fixing this is trivial in the current
> > NSD design (current: 1.2.X and 2.X.X).
> But is it going to be fixed ?

short answer: no
slight longer answer: no :-)

> > > from a single zone. This design is not spoof-proof.
> >
> > a well implemented cache should see that and not cache that information. It
> > sounds a bit strange in my ears to talk about spoof-proofing NSD while
> > NSD has no cache...
> ....
> Relying on a well implemented cache is a wee bit naive. It think both the
> spoofer and the spoofee carry some responsibility for spoof-proofness.

true, but NSD added it because the glue was in file and on disk, so from nsd's
viewpoint it as authoritative (and correct) as hell.

grtz Miek

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