nsd serving localhost

Miek Gieben miekg at atoom.net
Thu Sep 18 07:39:59 UTC 2003

[On 17 Sep, @14:39, Arnt wrote in "nsd serving localhost ..."]
> Hi,
> I just installed nsd 1.2.2, and found that it choked on the following 
> zone file when parsing it as an IPv6 zone file, complaining about 
> out-of-zone data on line 2:
> @               IN      SOA     ns.oryx.com. hostmaster.oryx.com. (
>                 2003091600 10800 3600 2592000 86400 )
> 1               IN      PTR     localhost.
> Using it only under IPv4 worked. What I'm now using is this:
> zone    0.0.127.in-addr.arpa    p/localhost-reverse
> ;zone   
> p/localhost-reverse
> ;zone   
> p/localhost-reverse
> A bug, or have I miscounted the zeroes or something?

could you try this with zonec2 from nsd 1.3.0 alpha?

> The thing also choked on my lovely IN ISDN RRs. I fixed that by deleting 
> them. Perhaps the set of supported RRs should be specified in the man 
> page.

nsd 1.2 does not support ISDN rr's. We're going to switch to a new parser in nsd
1.3. You can check the supported rr's in zyparser.y line 204 (for nsd 1.3). It's
yacc code, which should be rather readable. 

grtz Miek

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