[ldns-users] ldns-read-zone output not very helpful

Anand Buddhdev anandb at ripe.net
Tue Jul 20 10:35:03 UTC 2021

Dear LDNS developers,

I've been trying to use ldns-read-zone and ldns-compare-zones, but I've
run into an issue:

ldns-read-zone ripe.net.zone.formatted
Syntax error, could not parse the RR's class at 3628

This error message isn't helping me. I don't know if 3628 is a character
position or line number. I don't think it's a line number, because if I
look at that line number, the record there looks good to me. If it's a
character position, it's kind of hard to locate it in the file. I don't
see any options for verbose or debug output.

It would be more useful if the tools were to print something like:

"line X, character Y"

It would be even better if the tools would actually print the line where
they encountered the problem.

Would you please consider making these enhancements to the tools?

Anand Buddhdev

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