[ldns-users] Ldns responses

Harish Holenarsipura Viswanatha holenars at usc.edu
Fri Sep 21 16:11:48 UTC 2018

Hello Wouter,

Thank you for the reply.
I have another doubt , does unbound resolver be integrated with LDNS server
and return DNS responses to a query in wire format ?

Harish Holenarsipura Viswanatha
Contact No: +12132453716

On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 12:54 AM Wouter Wijngaards <wouter at nlnetlabs.nl>

> Hi Harish,
> Not really.  In ldns there are functions to find information, like
> ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset that finds by name and rrset type in the
> information and that could be useful (depending on what you need).
> But unbound has libunbound, and it can return responses to a function
> call, and recent unbound versions have the auth-zone functionality.  This
> can be used to create a libunbound instance that returns authority zone
> responses for a query from zone file contents.  Right now that needs the
> libunbound call to read a unbound.conf file, that contains an auth-zone
> directive, with a zonefile pointed at where you want it.  And with
> for-downstream: yes specified; that makes it return authority responses to
> the libunbound calls, without that it would return recursive responses.
> If you then want to put that DNS response on the wire, and not do
> something else with it, then there are authority DNS servers that do the
> whole thing (a bit obvious, but I thought I would mention it), like NSD and
> unbound with auth-zone configured.
> If the something else you want to do just means change a couple of names,
> then unbound's local-data is in front of the auth-zone, and would be
> processed first.  It can do some things, eg. return that data instead.
> Best regards, Wouter
> On 20/09/18 18:58, Harish Holenarsipura Viswanatha wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there away to generate DNS response  for a particular query from the
> zone file contents.
> Thanks
> Harish
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