[ldns-users] ldns-signzone ECDSA random failure

Matt Smith ldns at xtaz.co.uk
Mon Aug 17 20:05:55 UTC 2015

On Aug 17 20:49, Matt Smith wrote:
>If it helps I have saved copies of the syslog, KSK and ZSK keys along 
>with the original zone file and the signed zone file if anybody wants 
>to examine them.

Actually I've just noticed something that stands out. In a record which 
works fine the RRSIG looks like this:

host1.example.com.        3600    IN      RRSIG   A 13 3 3600 
20150914191810 20150817191810 57320 xtaz.uk.  

In one that fails to validate it looks like this:

host2.example.com.        3600    IN      RRSIG   A 13 3 3600 
20150914191810 20150817191810 57320 xtaz.uk.  

It looks like the signature has been truncated and doesn't have == on 
the end of it?

Forgot to say as well, I'm using ldns-tools 1.6.17.


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