[ldns-users] pyldns patches

Karel Slany karel.slany at nic.cz
Mon Aug 26 14:12:25 UTC 2013

Hello Wouter and Willem,

I've created another set of patches. This time it fixes issues which
I've encountered in ldns_pkt class. There are two files in the attachment:

0001) * Adds necessary cloning of member structures in several wrapper
methods in order to prevent double free issues,
      * adds new method ldns_pkt.new(),
      * removes ldns_pkt.section_count() because the underlying C
function is marked static and cannot be called,
      * fixed memory leak when calling ldns_pkt.get_section_clone().
0002) Adds new file contrib/python/examples/test_pkt.py. This script is
created mainly for testing purposes.

I've tested the changes in Python 2.7 and 3.2. The changes are related
to broken code only so there should be no compatibility issues.

Best regards,
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Name: 0001-PyLDNS-Various-fixes-in-ldns_pkt-class.patch
Type: text/x-patch
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URL: <http://lists.nlnetlabs.nl/pipermail/ldns-users/attachments/20130826/40a5d3b0/attachment.bin>
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Name: 0002-PyLDNS-Added-test_pkt.py.patch
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Size: 54069 bytes
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URL: <http://lists.nlnetlabs.nl/pipermail/ldns-users/attachments/20130826/40a5d3b0/attachment-0001.bin>

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