[ldns-users] Various fixes

Miek Gieben miek at miek.nl
Thu Aug 23 10:34:33 UTC 2012

[ Quoting <vmagerya at gmail.com> in "Re: [ldns-users] Various fixes..." ]
> > dns_rdf_reverse_aaaa and ldns_rdf_reverse_a, of which I wonder. Why
> > didn't you use ldns_rdf_address_reverse?
> ldns_rdf_address_reverse always uses IP6.ARPA domain when reversing IPv6
> addresses, while bind9-host (and thus ldns-host) allows choosing between
> IP6.ARPA and IP6.INT.

OK. But you are aware that IP6.INT has been deprecated long ago?

> > Same question for ldns_pkt_push_rr_soa,
> > as there is ldns_pkt_push_rr?
> ldns_pkt_push_rr_soa actually constructs a SOA RR (by most notably
> setting the serial number) and then calls ldns_pkt_push_rr.
> Maybe I'm missing an easier way to construct a SOA RR? I need that to
> send IXFR queries, which are invalid without an additional SOA record in
> the request packet.

Ah, I see. No, I don't think there is a convenience function for that in ldns.

grtz Miek
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