[ldns-users] drill -k <DS> ?

Miek Gieben miek at miek.nl
Mon Mar 7 17:17:46 UTC 2011

[ Quoting Matthijs Mekking in "Re: [ldns-users] drill -k <DS> ?"... ]
> > drill -k <keyfile> with DNSKEY does exactly that, so I'm a bit back to
> > square one: if it does indeed accept DS records, what could I be doing
> > wrong? Or is the use case ( -k <ds> -D ) not supported ?
> So:
> drill <name> -k <ds> -D is not supported (or at least not like you
> expect to).
> drill <name> -k <ds> -D [-S|-T] is supported.

It look like this is a request for ldns-verify-zone, but then for
a zone loaded in a nameserver?

grtz Miek
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